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DRAFT minutes from Pakrs and Rec Commission Meeting June 12,2014
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
June 12, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, and Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the May 8, 2014 meeting were approved as written.
Memorial Park
Signs.  Some of the new park rules signs have been installed.  There are more to go up, and more have been ordered for the beach.  There is some concern that vandalism is possible, especially at the beach, where several of the signs have been placed low for visibility.  The large sign at Memorial Park needs to be completely replaced.  Celeste will contact Keene Signs about pricing.
Upkeep.  Some of the skate park equipment needs to be painted, as well as the Home and Visitor signs at Shea Field. Celeste will ask Richard Reilly for a quote.
Poison ivy and several invasive plant species are again growing up in the area of the bridge at Memorial Park.   Peter will take care of the poison ivy, since he is not (yet) sensitized to it.
Drainage has washed out another area of the walk and drainage damage by one of the light poles needs immediate repair, which Celeste will arrange to have done.
Celeste purchased three cigarette disposal receptacles, to be placed at sites near where smoking is now banned.
Since the quotes for either minimal or more extensive repairs to the tennis court were quite high for what would be at best a temporary fix, it was decided that money would not be spent on filling the cracks while we complete a long-term plan for park improvements and write a grant proposal to help with the cost of repairing the tennis court.
Ten-year plan.  Although Berkshire Design has agreed to work with us on plans to upgrade Memorial Park, we have not yet met for initial discussions.
The Planning Board is reviewing Antrim’s Master Plan.  Joan attended the June 5 Planning Board meeting to explain Parks and Rec’s contributions to the Implementation chapter.  At this time, suggestions were made to inquire into the possible use of Bennington’s Sawyer Field and to begin to build CIP funds for replacing the gym floor, when it becomes necessary.  The Parks and Rec Commission was also complimented on our recent efforts to provide diverse recreational opportunities.
Gregg Lake
Upgrade to 100 A service.  The job still has not been done.  We will accept the original quote and get it done as soon as possible.
Beach/boat launch issues.  Marcel will be starting as Lake Host on the weekend of June 21.  The beach staff have been approved.  We have one new lifeguard this year.  The lifeguards will be sharing the duties of lifeguard and beach attendant this year.  They will be working in pairs and will know who is responsible for which duties.
It is not known whether the fence repair by the bathhouse has been completed, but it will be done before the beach opens.

Shea Field
Use issues.  ConVal has been using the field late, which has both disrupted recreational programs and created potentially dangerous situations.  ConVal has also been taking out the lacrosse goals and not putting them back.  Celeste is waiting for a response from Peter Ketchum over some of these issues, which are difficult to resolve, since there is no agreement between Antrim and ConVal over the use of the field.  The Boy Scouts have also been used the field occasionally.
We discussed a suggestion from the Planning Board that we look into using Sawyer Field in Bennington for some of our recreational needs.  Although we do already use fields in Bennington, Francestown and Hancock for our soccer program, the main issue with Sawyer Field is the there is no place to store equipment.    
Maintenance.  The new mower is working well and the turf is in good shape.  Peter has asked American Steel to design a set of concrete and steel bleachers with a cover, and will look into the cost of putting stone on the slope.  
ConVal Agreement
ConVal Proposal.  On May 12, the Selectboard approved the Parks & Rec Commission’s revisions of the ConVal proposal, and Antrim’s counterproposal was sent to David Martz, representing ConVal, that same evening.  On June 9, David Martz sent ConVal’s revised draft.  We decided we were willing to accept several of their modifications, but would like them to reconsider a few of our suggestions, especially concerning GBS use of the Town Gym.  A new draft will be typed up and sent to Galen and the Selectboard for approval at the conclusion of the meeting.
Cornucopia Project.  We were contacted by Beate Becker of the Cornucopia Project, who requested a rapid decision regarding placing three raised garden beds on the AES playground area.  Permission was granted, and the beds were constructed the following day, and planting was begun two days later.
Recreation Department
Update.  Track and field is in full swing.  The 12U softball and majors baseball teams both won championships.  Girls lacrosse is also doing well.  Women’s softball is getting going.  Bus trips and summer camps are filling up.    
Not too many people showed up for the bike rodeo, but all activities went on.
The Rec Department requested approval of the use of a total of $2500 to purchase cubbies for summer camp.  These will consist of a set of 5-section coat lockers, where campers can store their belongings.  The Commission approved the use of funds from the Richardson Trust for this purpose.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 10th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary